Monday, May 30, 2011

Kashi GoLean Crisp! Toasted Berry Crumble

WOW! LONG TIME NO SEE err WRITE EVERYONE! I apologize for not doing any reviews for quite a while. But we are Back on track now! Today we have Another Cereal, This is "Kashi GoLean Crisp! Toasted Berry Crumble" The name itself seems really attractive, "GO LEAN" Makes you think "Wow i will get in shape with this!" The "Crisp!" Makes you think nice crunch! and the "Toasted Berry Crumble" Makes you think Fresh, dessert flavor. Some more plus'es for this are the following: 9g Protein, 8g fiber, 18g whole grains. The taste is wonderfully delicious! I ate a whole box in a day. yea i know im horrible. but thats how delicious it was! It was so delicious i have stopped buying it. seriously. The berrys are chewy and taste very fresh and sweet i found more cranberries that anything in it. some blueberries here and there as well, but cranberries were the most abundant. So taste was a 9/10 excellent. Now for the Horribly BAD drawback to this cereal. If you are disgusted please turn off your monitor or close the laptop and walk away from the computer. Ready? Are you sure? Ok....Here we go.... THE GAS!!! I have not had so much gas in my life! i pass gas about every 10min with this stuff after eating it. i stopped eating it 2 days ago and the gas is still here! And another thing that comes with the gas is the Diarrhea. I still have that as well. i have went #2, 4 times today..........make that 5 times today!
and have passed gas so much you can see a mushroom cloud above my house. I have read EVERYWHERE online that 90% of people that eat this cereal *All kashi brand GOLEAN for that matter* get the same results! Some people think it is the fiber, i am here to tell you that i take in a lot of fiber per day. and before this cereal i did NOT have this bad of gas or bowel movements. No wonder why it is called GOLEAN. you will lose about 10lbs of waste and gas the first day! All kidding aside i do not like how the cereal is effecting me and others gas and bowel wise. that tells you there has to be something in it doing so. and i do not blame it on the fiber. i would appreciate it if Kashi could come out and say what it may be or send me some coupons for all my trouble. Junkie Judgement- Look- It has the clusters and some are huge! and that is awesome, especially all the berries. Taste- Taste is amazing! nice and sweet with a good crunch. I dont know what category i should put the bowel and gas trouble in. but i will say it is BAD on the gas and bowels. Please if you have loved ones do not put them through this type of punishment! They will beg for mercy at the smell of your Kashi-Farts. And if you hate running to the bathroom 2-3-4-5-10 times a day then this is not for you. Overall im going to have to give this a 5/10 i docked a point everytime i went to the bathroom. Kidding aside, i gave it a 5/10 because yes it does taste great! But it really is a problem that it is causing with my gas and bowels so until kashi apologizes and or says the reason for all the gas and bowel problems me and other customers have been experiencing i am no longer a customer of theirs. Overall 5/10

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Eggo Fiber Plus Chocolate Chip Waffles

LEGGO MY EGGO! Here we have it, Another waffle review, this time we have Chocolate chip waffles! These i wouldn't say are overly healthy but they arnt too bad. These waffles are filled with fiber so like the commercial says "Their must be cardboard in here" Or "They must taste like cardboard" And then the guy says "Cardboard, no, Delicious Yes." Ok let's see if this man is telling me the truth. So i toasted my 2 waffles for breakfast today, i eat them plain  not only because i want to see the real flavor but because i dont want to add many extra calories haha. So i took my first bite. I have to say the Chocolate Chips arn't too bad, they are not very sweet though. They taste more like Dark Chocolate than anything but on the box it also says antioxidants so i guess the dark chocolate give's it that Anti-oxidant kick. The waffle in all is pretty crispy, not too fluffy or moist if you ask me, and no i did not burn them either! I know i may seem like im knocking them quite a bit but actually they are really really good! If you like crispy-ish waffles you will like these, and if you like chocolate chips you will love these! Calories in 2 waffles is 180 which actually isnt too bad for breakfast. There is also 9g of fiber! Which is really good! *36% DV* Only 8g of sugar in 2 waffles as well. so overall they are NOT that bad on the health scale, especially if you need the carbohydrates for energy in the morning like i do, because i work out mornings. Price is a little high at $5 a box but with coupons we got them for $3 and a few Buy One Get One free's. Overall with taste, quality, and price involved.... 7/10 Pretty good! Is it worth it? Yea i would say try a box, you will get your taste, fiber, and even a nice kick of antioxidants. P.S. If you are looking for a regular tasting waffle then check out the Fiber Plus Buttermilk version of these :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Chobani Greek Yogurt Champions!

As i logged in today i see we have a vote for a review of "Yogurt's" That is great news as i have something that is a very healthy alternative to the sugar filled flavored yogurts. If you are with the times you have heard of Greek Yogurt. It is healthier, thicker, creamier and tastier than plain old BLAH yogurt. If you are like me however you have tried Plain greek yogurt and thought "YUCK!!!" Well i am here to save you from the "Yuck" and give you the "YUM" with Greek Yogurt. Today we have Chobani Greek Yogurt Champions. It is "The first ever greek yogurt for kid's" But i think all the sugar-loving adults will love it as well :) They have 2 flavors of this yogurt, Verry Berry, and Honey-nana. The verry berry is Raspberry, Strawberry, and blueberry. The Honey-nana is Honey and Banana. You will be more than happy to know that these are 100% Natural, packed with 8g of protein, have no artifical colors, preservatives, or sweeteners, and made with milk from cows not treated with hormones. Oh and!!! ONLY 100 CALORIES!!! Let's Get to the flavor. When i first tried it i went back to my childhood and rememberd those Yogurt Tubes i used to eat all the time! It tastes just like that and i love it! Their is no bad aftertaste at all with this yogurt, and it overall is just fantastic for being only 100cal and having protein. I have not yet tried the Honey-Nana but if it is as good as the Verry Berry then stock up!! Your Kids will love these but, you will love them even more ;) Be sure to check them out at your local market! Overall Taste is a 10/10 The cool kid like design again is awesome 10/10 on the look, price is $4 for a 4 pack so it is about $1 a cup if they were sold individually, with coupons you could easily get the 4 pack for $2-$3. Price i will give it a 9/10. Is it worth it? Yes! This is a great substitute for all the other 100 calorie yogurts that are full of artifical junk. All natural is the way to go! Overall i will Give Chobani Greek Yogurt Champions a 9.5/10 I highly reccomend this product!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cinnamon Burst Cheerios

Hey everyone! First off i want to say thank you for all the views! I'm up to 257 in just 6 days of my blog being up! Thank you all so much! Please Continue to check in on the website, Sign up for my email newsletter, tell your friends and SMILE :)! That being said, Today we Have General Mills' Cinnamon Burst Cheerios. On the box it also says 20% DV of fiber. So that is starting us out on a plus. It also says "Flavored with REAL Cinnamon" Again, Another plus. Judging from the box it looks like the cheerios are literally bursting with cinnamon and it must just be full of flavor. So i put this to the test. I poured myself a bowl, well cup because there were no clean bowls haha. They looked pretty nice, you could see the little flakes of cinnamon throughout the little cheerios. Next i poured in my almond milk with the cheerios and took my first bite. This is were it gets fun, When you first take a bite you will notice a warm feeling inside your mouth. Your mouth literally gets warm and it feels really cool actually! I have not seen any other bloggers talk about this. Maybe thats why it is called "Cinnamon Burst?" Because it has Cinnamon, and then you get a Burst of warmth? Other than the Warmth it was kind of a let down, keep in mind i say KIND OF the flavor is really good, if you took Apple Jacks minus the apple and cinnamon toast crunch minus the toast you would have "Cheerios Cinnamon Burst" they are not very sugary so don't buy this if you want overly sweet. It is sweet but not the kind of sweet that an 8 year old kid would crave. I do really like the idea of this cereal though, You have Cheerios which in themselves are heart healthy, and then add the cinnamon which not only add's flavor but is ALSO heart healthy. Then add the fiber which again is Heart healthy. This overall is just a box of Heart Healthiness! haha. So now its time for "JUNKIE JUDGEMENT" This is the part of the blog where i show no remorse and give you the rating of the item i am blogging about! So lets start with "The Look" OK, the box is really cool looking, i really like how it catches your eye when you walk by it. The two cinnamon sticks really show that this IS a real cinnamon cereal. Which again caught my eye. And the burst in the background is a really nice add on as well. Personally what would catch my eye even more would be Where all the red is on the box i would put red foil. So it kind of reflects and is just a real site to see. Am i asking too much? haha. 9/10 on box design. Next lets take a look at the look of the cereal, The cereal itself from a distance looks like regular cheerios but when you look close up you can tell they are made with cinnamon because you can see all the tiny flakes of cinnamon through out the cereal, And the cinnamon cheerios seem to have a deeper color to them than the original ones and even the Honey Nut Cheerios. With the look of the cereal itself i give it a 10/10 because they really made sure you knew what you were getting, they really did a great job adding all the cinnamon flakes to the cheerios. Lastly lets take a look at what we REALLY care about, TASTE! Eaten without milk you can really taste the cinnamon which is great because the sweetness is just right and the cinnamon is really good, When you add milk it seems to take away quite a bit of the flavor, with milk you just taste a little cinnamon on your tongue and then thats it. I also really enjoy the Warmth you get with your first bite, i got this feeling till about 4 bites in with milk, and without milk you get it over and over again. If you have a kid who isnt a Sugar-Addict then they will enjoy this cereal. If you do have a Sugar-Addict however, they may not be as pleased. The only drawback with taste is added with milk you dont get a long lasting taste, its kind of a peck on the cheek, just a little zip of cinnamon and thats it. So taste im going to give it an 8/10. Overall this cereal gets a 9/10 in my book, it is well worth the $3.99 and will give you that little zip of flavor in the morning but will also relax you after your caffeine buzz from the coffee with the warmth the cinnamon gives   you. Final words- Yes this cereal is well worth the money and yes it is delicious! As an added bonus it is pretty healthy on the heart scale as well! 9/10

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dunkin Donuts Cinnamon Spice Flavored Ground Coffee

We all know Dunkin Donuts for their...well.... DONUTS! But we also Know and love them for having the best coffee around. Yes i will say Dunkin Donuts has THE best coffee, i don't care what anyone else thinks, they are #1 in my book! Usually you would go through the drive through to get your morning fix of coffee, But Dunkin Donuts made it so much easier for us! Now we can get most of our favorites right at home! Waking up to the aroma of this Cinnamon Spice is a euphoric experience! The smell is just incredible it smells like Cinnamon Sugar with a hint of spice, which i really loved! Right when you open the pack their is just this Heavenly scent that greats you with a "Hello, Im Cinnamon Spice Nice to meet you!" If it smells this good right off the bat it must taste amazing right?! YES! Correct, i didn't even need creamer, or sugar! This is one of the first coffee's i could drink black. And Is still one of the ONLY ones i can drink black. it is incredible how they did this. All the good things about Dunkin Donuts coffee is now in my little coffee mug. At only 1tbsp the taste was incredible. Not too over-powering but not too bland or cut down either. The price is fair sitting at about $8 for 40 servings of 6oz of coffee, and with a Small Dunkin Donuts coffee at about $1.19 which would equal $47.60 for 40 servings, you are saving $39.60 in the long run! That is incredible! That is a More than fair price! And with online coupons you can get this for about $5 a bag! So stock up on this incredibly delicious coffee! Their are No drawbacks that come to my mind for this coffee, It smells amazing, It Drips very nicely, the taste is great without sugar or creamer, and the price is fair. So if you are a coffee lover be sure to get your hands on this Dunkin Donuts Cinnamon Spice Flavored Ground Coffee you will be glad you did :) Overall 10/10!

Kashi Blueberry Waffles

Their comes a time when we wake up and say "i need to get healthy" that last's for a few days and then we notice we cant eat all the food we loved and we are back to our normal habits and heavier than before, It's a vicious circle. BUT! what if i told you, you could still eat the delicious Blueberry waffles we all know, love, and crave?! Sound too good to be true? Well, With Kashi it is a reality! At only 150 calories per 2 waffles with only 3g of sugar and as an added bonus their is 560mg Omega-3 ALA *For Heart Health* 4g of protein and 6g of fiber! There is also 8g of fat. BUT!!! DONT BE ALARMED! Those 8g of Fat ARE HEALHTY FATS! They are the Heart Healthy Omega-3 Fat's. Now you may be thinking "OK it's another frozen health food that tastes like cardboard." That is not the case here, These Waffles even though they are made with whole grain tastes just like regular waffles. The Waffles themselves are filled with blueberry's, the blueberrys arnt just hit and miss in the waffles like other Healthy blueberry waffles, i guarantee you get a piece of a blueberry in every bite! Their really isn't much bad about these waffles, i guess if you are into presentaion they seem to have a greyish look to them. Some also have a blueish tint to them because of all the blueberry's. Personally to me the blueish looking ones show me that they went all out when putting in the blueberry's. The price is a bit steep at about $7 a box depending on where you get them, If you look online you may be able to find coupons like i did and get the waffles for about $2 or even a Buy One Get One Free coupon. Those are the ONLY drawbacks i can think someone would have for these waffles. I would actually reccomend these waffles more so than their Go-Lean Blueberry waffles because These Waffles Actually have 20 LESS calories than the Go-Lean!!! *170cal in Go-Lean* *150cal in the Regular Blueberry* Overall these waffles are great! I personally can not tell the difference between these healthy waffles and regular sugar filled blueberry waffles. Overall i give these an 8/10 Because The grey tint can be a turn off to most people and the price is a bit steep, especially if you cant find coupons. So i Took off 2 points for those 2 flaws. BUT The taste overall is a 9/10. Overall altogether i guess i could bump these up to a 9/10 because the grey tint does not personally bother me, only the price gets me, The taste also persuades me to really give these a great rating and the healthy facts like the 4g of protein 6g of fiber and 560mg of heart healthy omega-3's really helps as well. Once and for all my final rating is a great rating of 9/10 These are great and healthy! What more could you want? *****I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE FOR VIEWING MY SITE 113 VIEWS IN 4 DAYS! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!***** Be sure to look right below this post and see some of my other post's i have done! Enjoy your stay!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats Touch Of Fruit in the Middle

Wow what a long name. I have been hearing about these for a little while now, and i have even passed over them a few times at my local market, but the more i looked into reviews online the more i wanted to buy them, not because people were giving these rave reviews but because they were giving these mini wheats pretty bad reviews. Some said "they tasted like twigs", some said "there was barley any fruit in it", some even say "they tasted no different than the other Mini-wheats products". I just had to put this to the test. Not only because people were knocking mini-wheats but because i only found a handful of reviews because this is still a fairly new cereal product on the shelves. I went yesterday to the store to pick up a box, there were only about 3 boxes left after i took 1, So they must be kind of worth it right? The box looks pretty cool i thought, really purple with little designs in the background and then they show the mini wheats in a bowl of milk with the big glob of fruit in the middle! When i returned home i put these in the cupboard for Today's breakfast. I woke up this morning starving as usual, Couldn't wait to try these out! I measured myself out a serving of these *55g = 190cal* poured in my almond milk and then i had to go on the computer quick, after i was done checking my email the mini-wheats were pretty soggy by then, some where still a little crunchy though. The soggy ones made the Jelly filling really soft and pretty tasty. In the crunchy ones though it seemed like you really couldn't taste the fruit as much for some reason and the jelly was chewy kind of like a fig newtons filling. I dug back into my bowl of mini wheats and it also seemed that some had more fruit filling than others. Most were pretty well off with the filling but some had barley any and some even seemed like there was no filling in them. 90% of them had Good amounts to ok amounts of filling in them while the other 10% had very little or what seemed like none in them. The taste was actually really good if you could get a mini-wheat with a good amount of fruit filling in it, the box says it is "mixed berry flavor" for the jelly, i tasted strawberry more than anything in the fruit filling, But you could taste a little hint of blueberry, so it wasn't a total let down. I took a spoonful of peanut butter and mixed it in a little bit with the cereal and it really tasted like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! That was a plus for me. This is the only flavor available as of now for the "Touch of fruit in the middle" i would personally like to see maybe some cinnamon apple flavor or if they want something else other than fruit in the middle, maybe take the chocolate mini-wheats and fill them with peanut butter filling! Overall the Flavor is pretty good as long as you get a mini-wheat with enough jelly in it, if not then you are better off eating a normal mini-wheat not filled with any jelly-goodness, But i guess you should expect for their to not be a lot of filling as on the box it does say "a TOUCH of fruit" and not "WOW OVERFLOWING WITH JELLY GOODNESS!!!" That would be awesome though right?! All-together i would give this cereal a 7/10 If all the mini-wheats were filled with an equally good amount of Jelly then this would get a 10/10 in my book but unfortunately the amount of jelly you get per mini-wheat fluctuates more than the price of gas. Is it worth the $3 a box? Yea i would say so, it will add something a little different in your Morning Breakfast. Overall 7/10

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Vitalicious 100 Calorie Vita Tops! (Deep Chocolate)

Want to lose weight but not give up your favorite breakfast muffin? Well Vitalicious makes it easy to lose the extra pounds and keep the Chocolate Chip Muffin in the morning! I stumbled upon these a while back, and seem to stumble upon them over and over again when i go shopping. These Muffins are only 100 calories, have 4g of protein and a whopping 9g of fiber! *36% of your daily value* And Another bonus to these is all the vitamins it has in it! Each muffin contains AT LEAST 50% of your Daily Value for your essential Vitamins like Vitamin A, C, D and E. Enough about all the Healthy Facts about this Muffin, Lets take a look on what we really care about... TASTE! Now you may be thinking, "It must Be small to be 100calories" Nope. it is actually about the size of my palm And i have pretty good sized palms. it weighs 2oz as well. You may Also think " They must be filled with artificial sweetners to be that low in calories. Wrong Again They use Organic Sugar and Honey as their sweetener. "Ok, Ok, Then it must taste like Cardboard!" Sorry! you can not be more wrong there. These muffins are amazing i have tried The Banana Nut and the Deep Chocolate and i have to say the Deep Chocolate is my favorite by far! The Banana nut is really good as well though, it tastes like the same Banana Bread my grandma used to make. Maybe my Grandma has a secret job for Vitalicious she isnt telling me about hmmmmm?  These are great on the go as well you can just toss them in the microwave for about 10-20sec depending on your microwaves power. Or you could take it to work, put it in the fridge and it will be ready by lunch time. Even better yet put one in your child's lunch bag in the morning and they will be loving you for this one! You will be happy your child is having something so nutritions and they will be happy you gave them something so Delicious! The Deep Chocolate Flavor is amazing straight out of the microwave, it is full of little chocolate chips and is so moist and gooey you would think it has to be over 100cal. I am floored by this invention and it HAS to be my favorite healthy breakfast item of all time! Move over bland egg whites because Vita-Muffin is here to stay! A trick i use to make it even better than it already is, is smear some Peanut butter on top and you will be in glorious Healthy-Chocolate-Peanut-Butter-Muffin-Heaven! These are also great with a nice glass of Almond milk YUMMMY! They are a really good price at my local store about $4 a box of 4, which is only $1 a muffin and you cant get something that nutritious of a muffin at a fast food place i can guarantee! So if you are watching your diet and want to feel like you are cheating, make sure and pick yourself up a box of Vitalicious Vita-Muffins at your local store! You can also buy them on their website 10/10 for these!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cream Of Wheat Cinnabon Flavor.

Cream of wheat is known for not only being around for a long time *Since 1893!* but it is also known for me despising it. I have always dis-liked cream of wheat, all the other members in my family always seem to enjoyed it, i remember asking my mom what it tasted like when i was younger, it only took one spoonful of the original flavor for me to dis-like it. i was always a Sugary Cereal kid not a Bland cream of wheat kid. That to me wasn't being a kid. i felt old eating it. But here i am today Bowing to the feet of the inventor of this flavor of Cream of Wheat. It is literally amazingly sweet. If you have an Aunt Annie's Pretzel shop around you, you will find this flavor very very close if not exactly like the Iced Cinnamon Rasin Pretzel. I stumbled upon this flavor while looking at cereal and oatmeal in the breakfast cereals section of my local market. The flashbacks of the bland taste on my tongue hit me for a moment as i locked eyes with the man on the Cream of Wheat box. He was mocking me, he knew he would get me with this flavor. After my stare down with him i looked down on the box'es artwork and saw a Cinnamon Bun next to a hot bowl of Cream of Wheat. It was the Cinnamon Bun that made me want this. Today i woke up, tore open the packet and put it in a bowl and mixed it with almond milk. Now i want to warn you all, There definitely looks like there would be more in the packet if you were going by the front of the box, i would guess they used maybe 3 packets and water to get that bowl almost overflowing. Either that or 1 packet and a very, very, very, mouse sized bowl. 1 packet is all i could do because it is loaded with sugar, 14g per serving. If you arnt watching your sugar intake however, then dont worry it is pretty low calorie, only 130cal per packet, Filled with vitamins, has 1% fiber *better than nothing!* and 3g of protein. This Flavor of Cream of Wheat will give you that sugar buzz to get through the first half of your day. Yes i know i really got off topic there. So i tore open the packet put it in a bowl with almond milk microwaved it for a minute and took it out, i put too little milk in it so it actually came out kind of like a pancake haha so i added more milk and then it actually looked like Cream of Wheat should. You could tell there was a lot of Cinnamon in their as well witch to me was awesome to see, The best part about the look of it is that the color not only matched the color of the Cream of Wheat on the box, it matched the color of the Cinnamon bun! How cool is that? Next I took a whiff of it and wow! Smells like a Cinnamon bun, then the moment of truth, the flashbacks of the taste of bland Cream of Wheat and the man on the box laughing at me as he forced me to eat more and more and more until i was on Wheat overload. Ok, maybe not that intense but still. The spoon and Cream of wheat touched my tongue and i smiled. THIS IS AMAZING! My taste-buds shouted, do it again! I lifted the spoon again, and again, and again. And then sadly it was gone. i couldn't believe myself, i fell in love with something that i hated as a child. The taste of this is unbelievable and un-matchable. It is creamy, Sugary, and tastes just like a Cinnamon bun. i will forever be a fan of Cream of Wheat. And now me and the man on the box can Exchange Smiles to each other and be friends once and for all. 10/10 for this flavor of Cream of wheat! Well worth the money.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Post Shredded Wheat Vanilla Almond

Like i have said i am a cereal J-U-N-K-I-E! I dont know what it is about cereal that i love but i really do love it! This Cereal is Sort of new to Post Cereals line of Shredded wheat, Along with this they now have Honey Nut flavored. Let me tell you right now, this cereal is amazing! I love it! You get the nice smooth Vanilla taste with a nice CRUNCH of almond! It says it has the almonds baked in but It seems like they actually filled the Shredded wheat with an almond filling? I have no clue what they did but what ever they did they hit a home run with it! I actually had to stop buying this cereal because i was going through a box every few days! I see myself buying this again real soon though haha. The best part about this cereal is it stays crunchy in milk! Just like good ol captain crunch... Minus the whole cutting the roof of your mouth part that i hate! I contribute the cereal staying crunchy to the almond filling that seems to be in them, in some of the Shredded wheat rectangles you will have a big crunch you look in it and their is part of an almond, in others you will taste almond but yet nothing is there i call that Ghost Almond. I really like mixing a little bit of peanut butter in the Vanilla Almond Shredded Wheat and milk and it is a taste that will blow you away. Thats why i was going through Peanut butter so fast as well haha. This cereal is definitely my favorite cereal around at this point in time! Until they re-release the oreo cereal *Fingers crossed* I will keep a bowl full of Post Shredded Wheat Vanilla Almond Close to my heart.....and mouth.

Ben and Jerry's Late Night Snack Ice-Cream

Yep another B&J review, remember when i said i picked up a few new flavors? Yep this was one of the few i was talking about, Ben and Jerry's Late night snack, if you haven't heard about it already it is made with Fair triad ingredients and has Vanilla, Salty caramel, and Chocolate covered Potatoe chips in it. SOUNDS EPIC!!! I love all of that! I love caramel and vanilla and every Christmas my aunt makes chocolate covered potatoe chips that i easily put away single handedly :). I have read all over that this flavor is "The best ice cream flavor ever invented" or "AMAZING!!!" or "I want to eat this 24/7 for the rest of my life." Well, I put all those theories to the test, When you first open the pint of ice-cream you see vanilla ice-cream that has a swirl of caramel and chocolate pieces spread throughout the whole thing. I have to say at this point my expectations were higher than high. I took my first bite. Nothing special. Not special at all. All i tasted was vanilla and salty Caramel, oh wait, i dint get a chocolate piece in that scoop, so i went for another i made sure i got it all in this scoop, i had a huge chunk of a chocolate covered potato chip, a nice swirl of Salty caramel and then a lot of vanilla ice-cream this time i knew i was going to be in heaven, I took a bite and crunched it around, OUCH! The little chunk cut up the roof of my mouth! it was like captain crunch all over again! I was done at my second bite. The flavor was nothing special, the caramel was honestly sickeningly salty and the chocolate covered potato chips cut up the roof of my mouth! I have many reasons to dis-like this flavor. The fact that i am knocking a ben and jerry's favor SHOULD come as a shocker. I love Ben and Jerry's! This is the first flavor i have tried that. A: i didn't like and B: Hurt me! LITERALLY! I Give this flavor a 3/10 The vanilla is good, and the caramel is ok and if the Chocolate Chip didn't cut me i probably would give this a 4/10 but either way it was just bad. not too much flavor in this and it is overly salty. Sorry B&J but put this flavor in the graveyard.

Quaker True Delights Hazelnut Latte Instant Oatmeal.

Yesterday was a grocery day so i went down to my local store and checked out some of the new items, usually i love to find new cereals, as im a cereal junkie. This time in the breakfast isle i feasted my eyes on oatmeal. yes oatmeal! I havent bought oatmeal in such a long time because the flavored oatmeals usually dont do it for me and the real oatmeal is too blah. i will come out and say that, regular un-flavored oatmeal is blah... 100% blah. To be honest i was a bit iff'y about buying this oatmeal, i love hazelnut and latte's but in an oatmeal? umm....pass? I bought it anyways just so i could see if i was knocking it too hard in my mind or if it really is worth it. Well here i am this morning. I woke up hungry this morning like i usually do, and the first thing i went for is the True Delights Hazelnut Latte. i pored it into a bowl, still same brown packets that looks like you arnt getting much oatmeal at all, still huge clumps of pure sugar. Nothing different so far. I added my almond milk and threw it in the microwave for a minute. When it was done i took a nice long whiff of it and, WOW is all i can say, it really does smell like a hazelnut latte. I took my first spoonful and was very pleased with the flavor, the warm latte flavor really just hit me very nicely, it was relaxing in a way. I took another bite and OUCH something scratched my throat! I look down and here they put in little hazelnut pieces! Awesome! but i wish i would have known that before i choked! Given, on the box it shows little pieces on top, but i honestly thought that was just to make it look nicer, sort of like when you buy fish and it shows the lemon beside it with the parsley on top. It doesn't really have the lemon or parsely it just makes the picture look better. so fair warning this does have real hazelnut pieces in it so dont choke like i almost did! overall the flavor was very very good the smell was even better. i give this an 8/10

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Cake Ice-Cream!

Ben and Jerry's. Once you hear those 2 names you think, "OMG AMAZING ICE-CREAM!" and "OMG WACKY FLAVOR ICE-CREAM THATS AMAZING!" Well here we have Red Velvet cake. Not very wacky, but Red Velvet Cake HAS to be my favorite flavor of cake. Anyday. Anywhere. Anytime. My last 3 birthday's i made sure people bought me a red velvet cake. I'm that in love with it. Now lets see how i stumbled onto this flavor, Well personally im a Ben & Jerry's Stalker. I went on their web-page and it said Red Velvet Cake was a new flavor from them that was now available. So i drove down to my local wal-mart about 30min away from here to stock up on new flavors of Ben & Jerry's *Hint Hint More reviews ;)* And it looked like everyone else found out that their were new flavors as i got the last pint of the Red Velvet! I could not drive home eager enough to try the flavor. When i finally reached home i ran upstairs grabbed my extra big spoon and dug in! The first bit was incredible! I could taste frosting. i dug deeper WOW a huge piece of real Red Velvet Cake! I tasted the batter of the cake and from their i was in love. I swear for those 10min i was in heaven. And thats the only thing i hate about Ben and Jerry's the size is too small and it go's to quick haha, after my 1,000cal worth of Ben and Jerry's and suffering through an intense sugar rush i made up my mind. Red Velvet Cake is by far THE best flavor of ice-cream i have ever had. With Red velvet cake you get it all, the frosting is their, the cake pieces are huge, the batter taste amazing. its a win for Ben and Jerry's. 10/10

First Post! Better'n Peanut Butter Review.

Hey Everyone! First off welcome to my blog page....Now onto the review haha, So i went shopping today for food and i had just run out of peanut butter at home, and yes i am a PB addict so i needed my fix, as im walking up and down the isle pacing back and forth to find the best looking All Natural Peanut Butter, i found Better'n Peanut Butter, Which states in all capitals in bold "ALL NATURAL" and it also says "85% less fat * 100 Calories Per Serving" Me, i count my calories and everything i've lost 100lbs so far doing so, and you may wonder "How can he eat and review junk food if he lost all that weight" well.... A: i count calories :p if that ben and jerry's ice-cream fits in my calories Heck yes i will have it! haha. Sorry about straying off topic. back to the Peanut Butter. I bought the Low Sodium, and above Low Sodium it says "MADE WITH REAL PEANUTS" well... Ok then! Good, i was afraid they were going to give me fake peanuts.... When you turn the jar around it has your nutrition facts, 2tbsp (32g) = 100cal Awesome!! when you look at the ingredients though its weird how it is "All Natural" the natural ingredients i see are Peanut flour, rice syrup, tapioca, cane juice *sugar* salt, and natural colors and flavors, the rest i was kind of uneasy about are these "Vegetable glycerine, lechtin, Tocopherol, and Sodium Ascorbate."  With further research the Tocopherol and Sodium Ascorbate are just Vitamin e and c. So no big deal there, Lechtin is from soy and im not against soy so i will let it slide. Now Vegetable Glycerine on the other hand i read about and really didnt find anything wrong with it so.... The ingredients are pretty set. Now when i got home i couldnt wait to try it but before that i had a nice workout, afterwards i opend the peanut butter, Now it doesnt really look like peanut butter, it kind of looks like if you microwaved peanut butter and gave it a lighter tint, this is what you would get. The consistency awkwardly enough is that of Caramel... And i measured it to 32g AKA: 100calories, it says 2tbsp but realistically its about one sort of heaping tablespoon. its so thick and dense that its heavy. The taste is very thick and gooey in your mouth and to some that may be off-putting. It is very peanutty and actually has a caramel kind of after-taste. but no where on the jar does it say caramel is in this. maybe it is just the consistency making it like that? maybe im tricking my brain. Some of it happend to get on my fingers and they are very sticky, usually if you get PB on you it gets oily. this is sticky. The PB Alone i think is pretty good, added onto something it tastes even better. Pros- 100cal, Peanutty, Carmel like aftertaste. Cons- Pricey *about 7$ a jar!!!!* Thick, Sticky, Very dense so you get less that you would think. overall i rate this peanut butter a 7/10. Good. But didnt quite do it for me.