Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ben and Jerry's Late Night Snack Ice-Cream

Yep another B&J review, remember when i said i picked up a few new flavors? Yep this was one of the few i was talking about, Ben and Jerry's Late night snack, if you haven't heard about it already it is made with Fair triad ingredients and has Vanilla, Salty caramel, and Chocolate covered Potatoe chips in it. SOUNDS EPIC!!! I love all of that! I love caramel and vanilla and every Christmas my aunt makes chocolate covered potatoe chips that i easily put away single handedly :). I have read all over that this flavor is "The best ice cream flavor ever invented" or "AMAZING!!!" or "I want to eat this 24/7 for the rest of my life." Well, I put all those theories to the test, When you first open the pint of ice-cream you see vanilla ice-cream that has a swirl of caramel and chocolate pieces spread throughout the whole thing. I have to say at this point my expectations were higher than high. I took my first bite. Nothing special. Not special at all. All i tasted was vanilla and salty Caramel, oh wait, i dint get a chocolate piece in that scoop, so i went for another i made sure i got it all in this scoop, i had a huge chunk of a chocolate covered potato chip, a nice swirl of Salty caramel and then a lot of vanilla ice-cream this time i knew i was going to be in heaven, I took a bite and crunched it around, OUCH! The little chunk cut up the roof of my mouth! it was like captain crunch all over again! I was done at my second bite. The flavor was nothing special, the caramel was honestly sickeningly salty and the chocolate covered potato chips cut up the roof of my mouth! I have many reasons to dis-like this flavor. The fact that i am knocking a ben and jerry's favor SHOULD come as a shocker. I love Ben and Jerry's! This is the first flavor i have tried that. A: i didn't like and B: Hurt me! LITERALLY! I Give this flavor a 3/10 The vanilla is good, and the caramel is ok and if the Chocolate Chip didn't cut me i probably would give this a 4/10 but either way it was just bad. not too much flavor in this and it is overly salty. Sorry B&J but put this flavor in the graveyard.

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