Thursday, May 19, 2011

Post Shredded Wheat Vanilla Almond

Like i have said i am a cereal J-U-N-K-I-E! I dont know what it is about cereal that i love but i really do love it! This Cereal is Sort of new to Post Cereals line of Shredded wheat, Along with this they now have Honey Nut flavored. Let me tell you right now, this cereal is amazing! I love it! You get the nice smooth Vanilla taste with a nice CRUNCH of almond! It says it has the almonds baked in but It seems like they actually filled the Shredded wheat with an almond filling? I have no clue what they did but what ever they did they hit a home run with it! I actually had to stop buying this cereal because i was going through a box every few days! I see myself buying this again real soon though haha. The best part about this cereal is it stays crunchy in milk! Just like good ol captain crunch... Minus the whole cutting the roof of your mouth part that i hate! I contribute the cereal staying crunchy to the almond filling that seems to be in them, in some of the Shredded wheat rectangles you will have a big crunch you look in it and their is part of an almond, in others you will taste almond but yet nothing is there i call that Ghost Almond. I really like mixing a little bit of peanut butter in the Vanilla Almond Shredded Wheat and milk and it is a taste that will blow you away. Thats why i was going through Peanut butter so fast as well haha. This cereal is definitely my favorite cereal around at this point in time! Until they re-release the oreo cereal *Fingers crossed* I will keep a bowl full of Post Shredded Wheat Vanilla Almond Close to my heart.....and mouth.

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