Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Post! Better'n Peanut Butter Review.

Hey Everyone! First off welcome to my blog page....Now onto the review haha, So i went shopping today for food and i had just run out of peanut butter at home, and yes i am a PB addict so i needed my fix, as im walking up and down the isle pacing back and forth to find the best looking All Natural Peanut Butter, i found Better'n Peanut Butter, Which states in all capitals in bold "ALL NATURAL" and it also says "85% less fat * 100 Calories Per Serving" Me, i count my calories and everything i've lost 100lbs so far doing so, and you may wonder "How can he eat and review junk food if he lost all that weight" well.... A: i count calories :p if that ben and jerry's ice-cream fits in my calories Heck yes i will have it! haha. Sorry about straying off topic. back to the Peanut Butter. I bought the Low Sodium, and above Low Sodium it says "MADE WITH REAL PEANUTS" well... Ok then! Good, i was afraid they were going to give me fake peanuts.... When you turn the jar around it has your nutrition facts, 2tbsp (32g) = 100cal Awesome!! when you look at the ingredients though its weird how it is "All Natural" the natural ingredients i see are Peanut flour, rice syrup, tapioca, cane juice *sugar* salt, and natural colors and flavors, the rest i was kind of uneasy about are these "Vegetable glycerine, lechtin, Tocopherol, and Sodium Ascorbate."  With further research the Tocopherol and Sodium Ascorbate are just Vitamin e and c. So no big deal there, Lechtin is from soy and im not against soy so i will let it slide. Now Vegetable Glycerine on the other hand i read about and really didnt find anything wrong with it so.... The ingredients are pretty set. Now when i got home i couldnt wait to try it but before that i had a nice workout, afterwards i opend the peanut butter, Now it doesnt really look like peanut butter, it kind of looks like if you microwaved peanut butter and gave it a lighter tint, this is what you would get. The consistency awkwardly enough is that of Caramel... And i measured it to 32g AKA: 100calories, it says 2tbsp but realistically its about one sort of heaping tablespoon. its so thick and dense that its heavy. The taste is very thick and gooey in your mouth and to some that may be off-putting. It is very peanutty and actually has a caramel kind of after-taste. but no where on the jar does it say caramel is in this. maybe it is just the consistency making it like that? maybe im tricking my brain. Some of it happend to get on my fingers and they are very sticky, usually if you get PB on you it gets oily. this is sticky. The PB Alone i think is pretty good, added onto something it tastes even better. Pros- 100cal, Peanutty, Carmel like aftertaste. Cons- Pricey *about 7$ a jar!!!!* Thick, Sticky, Very dense so you get less that you would think. overall i rate this peanut butter a 7/10. Good. But didnt quite do it for me.

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