Thursday, May 26, 2011

Eggo Fiber Plus Chocolate Chip Waffles

LEGGO MY EGGO! Here we have it, Another waffle review, this time we have Chocolate chip waffles! These i wouldn't say are overly healthy but they arnt too bad. These waffles are filled with fiber so like the commercial says "Their must be cardboard in here" Or "They must taste like cardboard" And then the guy says "Cardboard, no, Delicious Yes." Ok let's see if this man is telling me the truth. So i toasted my 2 waffles for breakfast today, i eat them plain  not only because i want to see the real flavor but because i dont want to add many extra calories haha. So i took my first bite. I have to say the Chocolate Chips arn't too bad, they are not very sweet though. They taste more like Dark Chocolate than anything but on the box it also says antioxidants so i guess the dark chocolate give's it that Anti-oxidant kick. The waffle in all is pretty crispy, not too fluffy or moist if you ask me, and no i did not burn them either! I know i may seem like im knocking them quite a bit but actually they are really really good! If you like crispy-ish waffles you will like these, and if you like chocolate chips you will love these! Calories in 2 waffles is 180 which actually isnt too bad for breakfast. There is also 9g of fiber! Which is really good! *36% DV* Only 8g of sugar in 2 waffles as well. so overall they are NOT that bad on the health scale, especially if you need the carbohydrates for energy in the morning like i do, because i work out mornings. Price is a little high at $5 a box but with coupons we got them for $3 and a few Buy One Get One free's. Overall with taste, quality, and price involved.... 7/10 Pretty good! Is it worth it? Yea i would say try a box, you will get your taste, fiber, and even a nice kick of antioxidants. P.S. If you are looking for a regular tasting waffle then check out the Fiber Plus Buttermilk version of these :)

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