Monday, May 23, 2011

Kashi Blueberry Waffles

Their comes a time when we wake up and say "i need to get healthy" that last's for a few days and then we notice we cant eat all the food we loved and we are back to our normal habits and heavier than before, It's a vicious circle. BUT! what if i told you, you could still eat the delicious Blueberry waffles we all know, love, and crave?! Sound too good to be true? Well, With Kashi it is a reality! At only 150 calories per 2 waffles with only 3g of sugar and as an added bonus their is 560mg Omega-3 ALA *For Heart Health* 4g of protein and 6g of fiber! There is also 8g of fat. BUT!!! DONT BE ALARMED! Those 8g of Fat ARE HEALHTY FATS! They are the Heart Healthy Omega-3 Fat's. Now you may be thinking "OK it's another frozen health food that tastes like cardboard." That is not the case here, These Waffles even though they are made with whole grain tastes just like regular waffles. The Waffles themselves are filled with blueberry's, the blueberrys arnt just hit and miss in the waffles like other Healthy blueberry waffles, i guarantee you get a piece of a blueberry in every bite! Their really isn't much bad about these waffles, i guess if you are into presentaion they seem to have a greyish look to them. Some also have a blueish tint to them because of all the blueberry's. Personally to me the blueish looking ones show me that they went all out when putting in the blueberry's. The price is a bit steep at about $7 a box depending on where you get them, If you look online you may be able to find coupons like i did and get the waffles for about $2 or even a Buy One Get One Free coupon. Those are the ONLY drawbacks i can think someone would have for these waffles. I would actually reccomend these waffles more so than their Go-Lean Blueberry waffles because These Waffles Actually have 20 LESS calories than the Go-Lean!!! *170cal in Go-Lean* *150cal in the Regular Blueberry* Overall these waffles are great! I personally can not tell the difference between these healthy waffles and regular sugar filled blueberry waffles. Overall i give these an 8/10 Because The grey tint can be a turn off to most people and the price is a bit steep, especially if you cant find coupons. So i Took off 2 points for those 2 flaws. BUT The taste overall is a 9/10. Overall altogether i guess i could bump these up to a 9/10 because the grey tint does not personally bother me, only the price gets me, The taste also persuades me to really give these a great rating and the healthy facts like the 4g of protein 6g of fiber and 560mg of heart healthy omega-3's really helps as well. Once and for all my final rating is a great rating of 9/10 These are great and healthy! What more could you want? *****I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE FOR VIEWING MY SITE 113 VIEWS IN 4 DAYS! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!***** Be sure to look right below this post and see some of my other post's i have done! Enjoy your stay!


  1. Not bad for a healthy waffle ... pretty tasty!

  2. We bought a giant pack of these waffles from Costco - THEY TASTE DREADFUL!!! Bland, cardboard like, nothing delicious about them.
