Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Cake Ice-Cream!

Ben and Jerry's. Once you hear those 2 names you think, "OMG AMAZING ICE-CREAM!" and "OMG WACKY FLAVOR ICE-CREAM THATS AMAZING!" Well here we have Red Velvet cake. Not very wacky, but Red Velvet Cake HAS to be my favorite flavor of cake. Anyday. Anywhere. Anytime. My last 3 birthday's i made sure people bought me a red velvet cake. I'm that in love with it. Now lets see how i stumbled onto this flavor, Well personally im a Ben & Jerry's Stalker. I went on their web-page and it said Red Velvet Cake was a new flavor from them that was now available. So i drove down to my local wal-mart about 30min away from here to stock up on new flavors of Ben & Jerry's *Hint Hint More reviews ;)* And it looked like everyone else found out that their were new flavors as i got the last pint of the Red Velvet! I could not drive home eager enough to try the flavor. When i finally reached home i ran upstairs grabbed my extra big spoon and dug in! The first bit was incredible! I could taste frosting. i dug deeper WOW a huge piece of real Red Velvet Cake! I tasted the batter of the cake and from their i was in love. I swear for those 10min i was in heaven. And thats the only thing i hate about Ben and Jerry's the size is too small and it go's to quick haha, after my 1,000cal worth of Ben and Jerry's and suffering through an intense sugar rush i made up my mind. Red Velvet Cake is by far THE best flavor of ice-cream i have ever had. With Red velvet cake you get it all, the frosting is their, the cake pieces are huge, the batter taste amazing. its a win for Ben and Jerry's. 10/10

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