Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cinnamon Burst Cheerios

Hey everyone! First off i want to say thank you for all the views! I'm up to 257 in just 6 days of my blog being up! Thank you all so much! Please Continue to check in on the website, Sign up for my email newsletter, tell your friends and SMILE :)! That being said, Today we Have General Mills' Cinnamon Burst Cheerios. On the box it also says 20% DV of fiber. So that is starting us out on a plus. It also says "Flavored with REAL Cinnamon" Again, Another plus. Judging from the box it looks like the cheerios are literally bursting with cinnamon and it must just be full of flavor. So i put this to the test. I poured myself a bowl, well cup because there were no clean bowls haha. They looked pretty nice, you could see the little flakes of cinnamon throughout the little cheerios. Next i poured in my almond milk with the cheerios and took my first bite. This is were it gets fun, When you first take a bite you will notice a warm feeling inside your mouth. Your mouth literally gets warm and it feels really cool actually! I have not seen any other bloggers talk about this. Maybe thats why it is called "Cinnamon Burst?" Because it has Cinnamon, and then you get a Burst of warmth? Other than the Warmth it was kind of a let down, keep in mind i say KIND OF the flavor is really good, if you took Apple Jacks minus the apple and cinnamon toast crunch minus the toast you would have "Cheerios Cinnamon Burst" they are not very sugary so don't buy this if you want overly sweet. It is sweet but not the kind of sweet that an 8 year old kid would crave. I do really like the idea of this cereal though, You have Cheerios which in themselves are heart healthy, and then add the cinnamon which not only add's flavor but is ALSO heart healthy. Then add the fiber which again is Heart healthy. This overall is just a box of Heart Healthiness! haha. So now its time for "JUNKIE JUDGEMENT" This is the part of the blog where i show no remorse and give you the rating of the item i am blogging about! So lets start with "The Look" OK, the box is really cool looking, i really like how it catches your eye when you walk by it. The two cinnamon sticks really show that this IS a real cinnamon cereal. Which again caught my eye. And the burst in the background is a really nice add on as well. Personally what would catch my eye even more would be Where all the red is on the box i would put red foil. So it kind of reflects and is just a real site to see. Am i asking too much? haha. 9/10 on box design. Next lets take a look at the look of the cereal, The cereal itself from a distance looks like regular cheerios but when you look close up you can tell they are made with cinnamon because you can see all the tiny flakes of cinnamon through out the cereal, And the cinnamon cheerios seem to have a deeper color to them than the original ones and even the Honey Nut Cheerios. With the look of the cereal itself i give it a 10/10 because they really made sure you knew what you were getting, they really did a great job adding all the cinnamon flakes to the cheerios. Lastly lets take a look at what we REALLY care about, TASTE! Eaten without milk you can really taste the cinnamon which is great because the sweetness is just right and the cinnamon is really good, When you add milk it seems to take away quite a bit of the flavor, with milk you just taste a little cinnamon on your tongue and then thats it. I also really enjoy the Warmth you get with your first bite, i got this feeling till about 4 bites in with milk, and without milk you get it over and over again. If you have a kid who isnt a Sugar-Addict then they will enjoy this cereal. If you do have a Sugar-Addict however, they may not be as pleased. The only drawback with taste is added with milk you dont get a long lasting taste, its kind of a peck on the cheek, just a little zip of cinnamon and thats it. So taste im going to give it an 8/10. Overall this cereal gets a 9/10 in my book, it is well worth the $3.99 and will give you that little zip of flavor in the morning but will also relax you after your caffeine buzz from the coffee with the warmth the cinnamon gives   you. Final words- Yes this cereal is well worth the money and yes it is delicious! As an added bonus it is pretty healthy on the heart scale as well! 9/10

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